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Starship Nearing Orbital Launch

Starship Facility in Texas - April 2022

A major historical event is perhaps happening in south Texas in the very near future. A ship will be launched in to Earth's orbit. The spacecraft consists of two stages. The first stage will land in the Gulf of Mexico, while the second stage will boost into orbit and land off the coast of Kauai, Hawaii.

I suspect that Kauai was chosen as a landing zone because of the existing ballistic missile detection systems, specifically at Barking Sands Missile Range.

The ship in total is twice as powerful as the next most powerful rocket in history, the Saturn V. Starship will be able to transport roughly 100 tons to geosynchronous Earth orbit when it is fully operational. The ship is also designed to be fully and rapidly reusable. This will completely revolutionize space transport in ways we may not be able to imagine.

S24 and Booster 7 will go through the testing process before any attempt at orbit is made. This might take a week. Below are some images from the progress in south Texas, near Brownsville.

Originally published


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Starship Nearing Orbital Launch

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