Classic History Personal Blog


Summit Cross

Thus begins a personal blog for Classic History. I thought it would be good to include short whimsical blog posts so that anyone reading my articles could better understand what kind of person is writing them.

Writing is also a healthy exercise in that it helps to open up your mind and release ideas. So I'm sure that in writing about more benign things I will come up with ideas for new articles. Although right now I'd say I have a list of ideas totaling around 100 for new articles. My biggest limitation is having the time to research and write them. I imagine that this exercise will help me to make better use of the time that I do have by helping me to do better writing for my articles.

Writing about my own life might also give insight on what the world is currently like for anyone reading in the future. We are currently over 100 years into the Modern Era. In all likelyhood I will witness the end of this era and the beginning of the next. Any firsthand account of what this will be like and how the world will change could be invaluable to someone.

There are all kinds of golden ages. We could be living in one right now. I have always thought of my childhood as an amazingly fun time. Will kids in the future experience what it's like to run around the woods or play street hocky with your friends every day? Things that are just normal to us could seem incredible to someone of a different era.

Jenner Mountain, Berchtesgaden, Germany

Originally published

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Welcome new readers!

In a hope to share any interesting historical stories I come across in the future I will be writing and posting articles whenever I can. Hopefully quite often.

I'll also be keeping you up to date on any good reads I come across in the Recommended section.

Looking for something in particular? Find it more quickly on the Search page.

And here is a complete list of all articles since the beginning.

H. G. Wells Portrate

"It is possible to believe that all the past is but the beginning of a beginning, and that all that is and has been is but the twilight of the dawn."


The Discovery of the Future

 Cicero: The Life and Times of Rome's Greatest Politician
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